FISE World Montpellier

Signing sessions

13 May 2015 11:43

Meet the riders of the pro team Honor ! Maxime Charveron, Mark Webb, Barbero, Daniel Wedemeijer, Courage A and much more will be

Wednesday 13th
10am to 11am30 Honor Booth 
6pm30 to 7pm Maxime Charveron and Mark Webb are the special guest of the FISE Web Broadcast, if you did not get the chance to ask your question in the signing sessions, post them on Twitter with the #fisehonor and our journalist will read it for you
6pm to 6pm 30 Honor Booth 
Thursday 14th 
2pm to 2pm30 Honor Booth
Friday 15th
7pm15 to 7pm45 Honor Booth
Saturday 16th
3pm30 au stand Honor