
Skateboarding for Beginners

02 juin 2020 13:55

Skateboarding continues to grow in popularity as a spirit, recreational activity, alternative mode of transport and as a competitive sport.

Every year FISE witnesses the world’s top skateboarders compete for the FWS title. In their honour, we’ve picked up a few tips and tricks to help you get started on your skateboard journey.

Step 1: Gear Up  

You know what the beauty of skateboarding is? The only thing you need is a skateboard (and durable clothing). As far as sports go, it’s a pretty short shopping list!

Buy your board – There are many things to consider when buying your first board; deck size, style of deck, skateboard concave shapes etc

Choose something that fits you and your style. Do your research: look online and talk to your local skate shop. They’ll give you the best advice for what on what to look for.

Protect yourself – It’s inevitable. You’re going to fall. But don’t worry – the pros still do it!

FISE has seen some hard-hitting skateboarding injuries, we seriously advise you get some gear.

The more confidence you gain the faster you’ll go and the more tricks you’ll want to try. And bigger tricks mean bigger hits!

Step 2: Balance on that board

There’s no two ways about it, you’ve got to bite the bullet and give it a go.

Find a quiet, flat area to practice. You’ll need all the concentration you can get.

Learn to stabilise yourself and push yourself forward with your preferred leg to start coasting.

Step 3: Time to glide

As you get more comfortable begin pushing off with longer strides, lifting that pushing foot higher off the ground and coasting further. 

You want to keep your weight and balance on the skateboard at all times. When you push it’s better to reach out from the board with your foot and push.

Keep your body weight on the board and push with the foot.

Step 3: Time to turn

Next – turns. The easiest one is the carve and it can be done in 4 simple steps.

  1. 1- Begin pushing
  2. 2- Put your foot back on the deck
  3. 3- Lean in the direction you want to turn
  4. 4- Keep practicing

The more you practice, the deeper you’ll carve and the sharper you’ll turn.

Step 5: Brake!

There are several ways to stop when skateboarding.

Some are harder than others, so here are a few methods to try…

Brake with your foot – Only use this method if you are skating casually. Simply glide your foot along the floor until you slowly come to a halt.

Tail scraping – Only do this when skating slowly. Put your weight to your backfoot on the board so the tail scrapes along the floor.

Controlled slide stopping – Slide stops are ideal if you are going downhill quickly or need to brake fast. Use the momentum of your body to swing the board round so the deck is facing across the way, not pointing in the direction you were previously going.

Step 6: Time for tricks

Skating around is great, but we all want to wow your mates. Time to get some tricks under your belt.

Once you’ve got to grips with riding and coasting on the board, it’s time to level up at your local skatepark.

Try and suss out when it’s a quieter time so you save yourself any embarrassment and give those ramps a go!

Here’s a few you can try:

  1. 1- Ollie 
  2. 2- Hippie Jump
  3. 3- Biebelheimer 
  4. 4- Rail Stand
  5. 5- Boneless 


Want some inspiration? Check out the FISE Social Channels to whet your skateboarding appetite.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube


Remember, be sensible, be safe, and have fun!